(Holy cow 5 months? Time flies when you don't write anything.)
A lot of people ask me "Hey Rudy, what do you do when you're not working or podcasting? My answer: Not Much. Disclaimer: No one has ever asked me this. That's right folks. I work full time and have two awesome, energetic kids under the age of 4, so I don't have a lot of time to call my own. When I do, I jet over to the studio and let 'er rip and then upload the insanity and pass out in a puddle of my blood, sweat, and tears. Disclaimer: Mainly tears.
When I do get some free time and I'm conscious, I'm usually watching a little TV. It really takes something special for me to get into it. Breaking Bad is the only show I binge watched and maybe sacrificed a little bit of my physical and mental well being to finish. It was worth it. But Breaking Bad might possibly be the best show EVER MADE and I don't say that lightly. I've watched all of LOST, all of the Sopranos, and a lot of other shows that are in the conversation, but none of those had the payoff and satisfaction that I received after finishing BB.
I wrapped on Breaking Bad and then my world changed. BAM! The WWE Network was launched. Aw shit. For those of you that don't know, the WWE Network is pretty much Netflix for wrestling fans. It's insane. Not only do you get original content, you get EVERY WRESTLING PAY PER VIEW EVER MADE. That's WWF, WCW, and ECW pay per views on demand at any time for $10 a month. Oh, and you get all the WWE's current Pay per Views for free. Yeah I'm in a good place right now.
Vince McMahon is a billionaire again and this network is the reason why. 10 bucks a month from a million wrestling fans and the stock jumped like Superfly Jimmy Snuka from the top turnbuckle. Not only did this take giant balls to do this, he pretty much told all the Pay Per View distributors YUUUUUUUUR FIRRRRRRED! Which is funny, since he was one of the pioneers of Pay Per View, and now he has pretty much told all these companies to fuck off.
So, I've decided to watch every Pay Per View in chronological order, starting at Starrcade '83 and eventually working my way up to the present. I'll be writing a brief review of each show and letting you know the high points and low points of each. Since I won't be leaving the house very often, this is my way of staying in contact with the outside world. Hustle on Hustlers! First review up soon!