Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Ass Kicker

ALIAS: Wralf

Wralf has been living on the streets his whole life. He was left on the doorstep of an orphanage when he was a baby. Wralf did not like that view, so he left and started living in a park. It wasn't long before he began to tower over anyone that would come to the park, even full-grown adult trolls. Wralf's imposing stature quickly gained him respect in the streets, but he stayed out of trouble and has made some good friends. Wralf has never appreciated nor liked orcs. To him their stature and physical appearance was like a cheap imitation of the strength and size of a troll. Wralf has never had a real job but his "brother" Stuart Livingston III another troll of similar stature has been able to get Wralf into Urban Brawling. At 19 Wralf  is an up-and-comer who is starting to shake up the Urban Brawling world. Stuart has began to take control of Wralf's MeFeed account, as well as, appearing at social events, to keep him safe from the paparazzi (and anyone else who wants to find him). 

He now lives with Ryoma Sugaryo, after Ryoma helped defend him of a hate crime accusation. That case was a rather odd situation, as Sugaryo was able to use someone he knew to talk to the judge. Another odd thing happened during the time of the trial, the all Orcish prosecution team turned up missing. Hmmmm...? Anyway after they both realized how flawlessly the trial went Wralf moved in with Ryoma. He also owns a Low Lifestyle apartment that he occasionally hangs out at. He drinks, does a few drugs, and bangs whores at his apartment, he doesn't want to bother Ryoma. 

He is now walking back to Sugaryo's house from purchasing a brand new Renraku Sensei Cyberdeck.   

BOD - 10/10
AGI - 4/5
REA - 5/6
STR - 10/10
WIL - 5/6
LOG - 1/5
INT - 4/5
CHA - 1/4
EDG - 1/6
ESSENCE - 5.7/6


SKILLS: Athletics Skill Group(2) Firearms Skill Group(3) Blades(6): Specialization in swords(1) Palming(2) Unarmed Combat(2): Specialization in cyber implants(1) Free Fall(3) Throwing Weapons(3) Diving(3) Language(3) Specialization in Or'zet(1) Heavy Weapons(2) Perception(3) Survival(3) Pilot Aerospace(2) Specialization in Deep Space(1) 

GEAR: Sword; Knucks; Shock Gloves; Shuriken x16; PJSS Model 55 (shotgun) w/ shock pad; AK-97 w/ laser sight; Browning Ultra Power (heavy pistol); Spare Clip x100; Flechette Ammo x1000; Regular Ammo x2000; Tracer Ammo x1000; APDS Ammo x100; Full Body Armor w/ Helmet (Fire Resistance lvl 2, Insulation lvl 2, Non Conductivity lvl 2, Shock Frills, Thermal Damping lvl 2); Lined Coat; Gecko Tape Gloves x2; Light Stick x4; Survival Kit; Medkit lvl 6 + Extra Supplies; Renraku Sensei Commlink     


LIFE STYLE: Live w/ Ryoma Sugaryo; Also own Low Lifestyle apartment 

CONTACTS: Fixer/Arms Dealer (4/3); Street Doc (2/2); Dwarf Rigger (6/1);

Initiative 9+D6
Astral Initiative N/A
Matrix AR Initiative (9+D6)
Matrix VR Initiative (cold) (4+D6)
Matrix VR Initiative (hot) (4+2D6)

Mental Limit 4
Physical Limit 12
Social Limit 5

Physical Condition Monitor 13
Stun Condition Monitor 11
Overflow Condition Monitor 10

Living Persona:
Attack 1
Data Processing 1
Device Rating 0
Sleaze 4

Notoriety 0

Thanks for reading everyone! That's my Troll Street Samurai for ya. Chum on you crazy SOBs. 


(All pictures are from the Google. Maybe one day someone will learn to draw.)

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